Reasons to use School Admission Management System

From time to time learned people utter meaningful words in distinctive order which resemble some kind of adage and then others follow up this event by using these phrases to their understanding. I do not profess to be learned enough to cough up such a phrase but then again there is something that has been […]

MyClassboard Customer Success Stories – Assignments in Ryan Schools

MyClassboard integration with Ryan Group of International Schools had always been a resonating success to us. Though there were stumbling blocks at the beginning barricading our journey to reach the destination, we soared with a thumping success marking the establishment of a stronger bond between Ryan Schools and MyClassboard. History always reprises with MyClassboard. Our […]

4 Smarter Ways to Optimize Teaching through Technology in the Classroom

Teaching through technology in the classroom has changed the way students learn, instructors teach and  also improved the communication between teachers and students. Integrating technology in the classroom can be seen as an innovative approach for students to learn through different perspectives. This classroom software takes learning skills to a new level in students by increasing […]

5 Good Practices for Successful ERP Implementation in Educational Institution

For any business, implementation of ERP is the most crucial factor and the implementation may vary from one organization to other. However, with proper planning and execution, ERP implementation can be achieved successfully. Here are few practices that help in the successful ERP implementation in educational institution. Selecting ERP software Process review Data collection Training […]

Best School Admissions Fee Management Software

Every school has unique admission criteria through which the entire admission process is carried out. Schools often see admission management as a chore for the complexity involved in it. Current management system involves highly talented manpower to undertake the admission process which includes collecting queries from parents, collecting registration forms, application forms, fee payment and […]

5 ERP Implementation Tips for Schools

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Although there are many school management software available in the market, many schools are now looking towards school ERP software. ERP implementation for schools can help the institute to benefit from higher levels of efficiency and performance. Here are few ERP implementation tips for schools. Vision Data migration End-users role Motivation Benefits Vision: “Where there […]