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Experience seamless canteen management with our dedicated Canteen Management System. From menu management to transaction tracking, we offer a range of features to ensure a smooth and efficient dining experience for students and staff.

Key Features

Canteen Categories:

Organize canteen items into categories for easy navigation and management, ensuring a well-structured menu.

Manage Canteen Items:

Efficiently manage canteen items, including adding new items, updating prices, and removing discontinued items.

Manage Collection Accounts:

Track collection accounts for canteen transactions, ensuring accurate financial records and accountability.

Food Menu:

Create and manage food menus for canteen offerings, including daily specials and seasonal items.

Food Menu Categories for Students:

Provide students with categorized food menus, making it easier for them to choose their meals.

Mess Attendance:

Monitor mess attendance to track meal participation and ensure adequate food preparation.

Food Coupon Kits:

Manage food coupon kits for prepaid meal options, providing convenience and flexibility to users.

Food Coupon / Meal Booking Details:

Track details of food coupons and meal bookings, including usage and availability.

Food Coupons / Meals Availed Students:

Record food coupons and meals availed by students, facilitating billing and inventory management.

Student Deposits / Transactions:

Manage student deposits and transactions for canteen purchases, ensuring seamless payment processing.

Staff / Other User Transactions:

Track transactions by staff and other users, providing transparency and accountability in canteen operations.


Canteen Category Deposits / Transactions:​

Generate reports on canteen category deposits and transactions, facilitating financial analysis and reconciliation.​

Canteen Sales Report:

Access reports on canteen sales, including item-wise sales, total revenue, and trends over time.

Canteen Cancelled Transactions:

Track canceled transactions in the canteen, identifying potential issues and improving transaction accuracy.

Branch Stock Report:

Monitor branch stock levels and inventory status, ensuring adequate supply and preventing stockouts.

Optimize Dining Experience. Contact Us to Implement Our Canteen Management System.