MyClassboard Customer Success Stories – Assignments in Ryan Schools

MyClassboard integration with Ryan Group of International Schools had always been a resonating success to us. Though there were stumbling blocks at the beginning barricading our journey to reach the destination, we soared with a thumping success marking the establishment of a stronger bond between Ryan Schools and MyClassboard. History always reprises with MyClassboard. Our […]

MyClassboard Customer Success Stories – Class Dairy in Orchids Schools

International School was a true feather in the cap for MyClassboard. Together we set off on a maiden voyage that would see a lot of practices questioned and challenged and out of this tug of war emerged a new schema of school maintenance and the feature that stands out of all the new age decisions […]

Earn Rs. 1000 Per Lead By Referring Schools To MyClassboard

Sales is marketing’s best resource to analyze and understand the market conditions for the product and hence a strong connection needs to be established between them prioritizing the quantitative stuff. For any company to drive more business and pitch its promotion, it is most important for that company to create and maintain sales partnerships that […]

The Uses Of Information Technology in Education

Education plays a vital role in the evolution of human life. It is a lifetime process and helps in changing the lifestyle of an individual. Education gives information which helps in better individual thinking hence contributing in building a better society. It helps in reducing the literacy rate fostering the development of economic growth. Hence […]

MyClassboard Sales Partnership Program

Marketing and sales go hand-in-hand for any company and together they are the arm of the company that is vital for the successful business growth. Marketing and sales fall under the same roof of the department with different approaches and strategies that can be worked on mutual benefit to building the organization to drive revenues […]

Digital Learning Technology: Impact on Students’ Grades

Technology integration in Education can be seen as a revolution in terms of teaching and learning. The impact of technology on learning and teaching had a continuous impact and overturned the perception of learning. Technology becoming a part and parcel of our day-to-day life and students’ too embracing technology to improve their learning skills has […]

MyClassboard and Atom Payment Gateway

Collecting fee payments of students had always been a task for many schools using the traditional practices. The manual method of fee collection demanded endless paperwork, heavy workload and irreconcilable errors that made the entire process a chore activity. Apart from the concerns faced by the school administration, parents equally were victims spending most of […]

How Schools are Collecting Fees using Pro Rata Rule of Fee Collections powered by MyClassboard

Case Study I: Ryan Group of Institutions – Admission Fees The sun was shining brightly that day, it was clear sky all around, in general, a beautiful day that MyClassboard and Ryan Group of Institutions would collaborate and together create a software solution to answer the most critical of questions plaguing school administrations around the […]

MyClassboard Events – Brainfeed Conference 2015 Bangalore

Brainfeed is a monthly educational initiative launched to cater the educational needs of K-12 school systems by disseminating information and knowledge through monthly publications. Brainfeed provides an academic platform to all schools at the national level to discuss issues arising out of classroom pedagogical practices, technology-assisted teaching methodology, and new assessment. Brainfeed organizes National Conferences […]