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Core Reason for Why WhatsApp Should be Considered for School-Parent Communication

Two-way communication is key between parents and teachers, a reciprocal relationship between the parents and the educational establishment, with regard to school details, student progress and the educational process. Parental involvement in their children’s education occurs in a positive manner when there is continuous and effective communication between the parents and the teachers.

Communication acts as a bridge to engagement and, ultimately, strong parent partnerships. Once parents and teachers establish a connection, they can work together to help students reach their academic potential. When teachers and parents work together, they can equip students with academic success. When parents and teachers communicate, parents are more likely to trust teachers and appreciate their impact. Children whose parents and teachers engage in two-way communication are more likely to complete homework assignments, get higher grades, active-participation in class, feel positively about school.

They are also less likely to need classroom redirection or discipline, receive frequent absences, fail classes, and experience high-stress levels. WhatsApp is a popular smartphone application for instant messaging that enhances communication within a group. In education, WhatsApp is used as a direct communication media among parents and teachers which functions as a complement of conventional media. WhatsApp is easy to operate, instant and the most familiar tool for digital conversations and are increasingly popular within schools for internal and external communications.

The use of WhatsApp creates new opportunities to communicate between parents and teacher mainly by increasing the access of the parent to the teacher, providing greater involvement of the parents. The use of WhatsApp influences the depth of involvement of the parents by increasing the sense of partnership between the parents and the teacher. It brings the two sides closer together and creates a healthy partnership based on mutual trust.

WhatsApp optimizes communication between the parents and teachers, shortens response time and therefore increases parental involvement in the school and greatly influences the pupil’s achievements. The instant information exchange contributes to reducing interpersonal tensions and encourages positive attitudes and involvement of the parents in school activities.

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