Welcome to our WhatsApp Module designed specifically for school ERP software. Revolutionize communication between your school and parents with seamless WhatsApp integration.
How It Works:
Our WhatsApp Module empowers schools to leverage the power of WhatsApp for efficient communication. Here s how:
Login Details
Provide login details to parents securely via WhatsApp for easy access to school portals and resources.
Fee Due
Send fee due reminders to parents through WhatsApp, facilitating timely payments and financial transparency.
Send admission related messages and updates to prospective parents, simplifying the admission process.
Utilize WhatsApp messages for various purposes such as transportation updates, online class notifications, examination schedules, PTM reminders, event invitations, and grade book updates.
Utilize WhatsApp for various communication purposes, including announcements, diaries, assignments, birthday wishes, and facilitating two way communication between parents and school staff.
WhatsApp Alerts Opt in
Allow parents to opt in to receive WhatsApp alerts for important updates and announcements, ensuring they stay informed and engaged.
Efficient communication is essential for fostering parent school collaboration and enhancing student success. Our WhatsApp Module seamlessly integrates with your school ERP software to facilitate instant communication, announcements, attendance updates, and more. Join us in revolutionizing school communication schedule a demo today!