Are Online Classes Secure?

We all know how important and reliant Online Classes are to learn at home. And with so many users, security is undoubtedly a threat for schools and students. We at MCB take charge of your security like we always have. Using MCB School ERP, online classes can now be secure with our password-protected feature. Our […]

Master the Art of Virtual Learning

Online resources such as MCB Online Classes can help school administrators organise resources and time. It’s a constant challenge for Educators to organise resources and time simultaneously, be it within the classroom or outside of it.We’ve talked time and again how it’s the administrative workload that takes up most of the valuable time of the […]

Are you in dire need of an Online Admission Management System?

How do you know if you’re in a dire need of an Online Admission Management System?  With today’s evolving times, we’re equipped with the greatest technology like never before. It is necessary to constantly upgrade your organization and the way it functions. This not only helps you to stay ahead of your competitors but also […]

Top 6 Benefits of Student Information Management System (SIMS)

The Student Information Management System (SIMS) has been in the educational sector’s limelight for its distinctive features that have proven to be helpful to countless educational institutions. SIMS deals with maintaining and updating student data with expertise in analysing and generating reports, helping the education system significantly. Some of the many benefits of SIMS are […]

How School ERP Eases Every Educational Institutions Top 4 Challenges

Increased Efficiency Every institution is subjected to manage a tonne of student data. Maintaining piles of papers and bundles of records covering every student’s data, with accuracy is an undeniable headache, especially when the student count is going up every year. It’s not only a tedious process but also consumes a major chunk of their […]

What is Educational Software?

Educational software makes management decision-making simpler for educational institutions like schools, colleges, and universities. Educational software can efficiently organize data, automate multiple educational processes & transform overall academic management. To understand briefly about what educational software really is and whether or not it is the right fit for your school, read on.  Benefits of Educational […]

Enhance Fee Collection Process in Schools

More and more educators today are positively adopting the Fee Management System. There are several benefits for why schools should consider implementing the fee management system. Irrespective of a school’s size, espousing fee management solution is not only feasible but also a smart decision for smooth financial longevity. It flows in greater revenue as you’re […]

How School Management Software can Automate Examination Process?

Major technological advancement is the obvious reason for its rapid integration in the education sector. The information and communication technology is quickly making its way in educational institutions, leading to a huge change in a school’s functioning. The changes can be observed in the school’s management, fee collection, teaching, transportation, examination and multiple other processes. […]

Choose the Best School ERP Platform for your School

There is no domain that is untouched by technological developments today. One such advancement is school management software, which helps schools streamline everyday administrative and academic activities with ease and efficiency. While opting for a school ERP platform, you must pay heed to the right school ERP as it is crucial to make most out […]